Kingdom Kids

At West University Church of Christ, we value the opportunity to learn from our children and encourage them to live out their lives like Jesus. We strive to provide them with a safe and appropriate environment that will foster their growth in knowledge of what it means to be a Christian in daily life.

Our goal at Kingdom Kids is to till the soil of our children’s hearts; to plant seeds of faith in Jesus so that they may grow, learn, and bear fruit of and in the Spirit.


Babies 0-3 months
We acknowledge the importance of experiencing church as a family and understand the demands of early parenthood. Juggling feedings and naps in early parenthood requires comfort, resources, and a schedule. For these reasons, our Mother’s room is made available at all times with resources to help make the early days of motherhood as comfortable as possible.

Babies 4 months – 2 years
Our Nursery volunteers are trained care workers who provide age appropriate content for the eager, developing minds of babies! Babies experience constant reminders of how Jesus loves them and wants to be their friend forever!

Preschool 3-5 years
Preschool classes are run by trained volunteers who minister to 3-5 year old children in ways that make sense to them–through play, song, and crafts!

Elementary K-5th
Elementary kids are ministered to in fun but practical ways. Our trained volunteers work to connect with the kids at their level with things that are important to them by using games, hands-on activities, thoughtful questions, and a solemn time of learning to pray.

Class Times
Kingdom Kids: 9:30a
God’s Flock: during 10:30a service, after communion; preschool through 2nd grade

All God’s Flock children’s class participation is optional. Busy bags are available with quiet activities for those who wish to stay in the corporate worship service with their family. All Kingdom Kids & God’s Flock volunteers are background checked and informed on how to handle challenging situations. Special needs accommodations are available upon request.